Actions in Belfast

Actions in Belfast
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On Sunday 4th september there will be actions for peace and non-violence in Belfast, organized by activist Jesús Antonio Fernández Olmedo, who has experience in actions of this type in Latin American and European countries, Africans. "We seek a change of values ​​in people," says organizer. The actions will take place in front of the Titanic Museum. There will be a kind of meditation for peace and non-violence "so that there is more harmony between people and stop the war," says Fernández Olmedo. They also asked for the elimination of nuclear weapons, "which are on the rise lately," he stresses. What is sought with these actions is that each analyze what change can do in your life and brings molehill. "We want people to ask, and what can I do to change my life and influence my immediate environment, which is what can change," Jesus Antonio Fernandez Olmedo has developed initiative is already in Lima (Peru), where he has given talks in schools looking for a change of consciousness. He has also worked with children in the capital of Senegal and Gambia. In this way it will be the work for send the notices for diferents mass media, radios,tvs, newspapers, mayor, institutiones, universities, associations,etc...

Jesús Antonio Fernández OlmedoActions in Belfast

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